
Head of Health Spa

About Bronwyn
Bronwyn began her journey at Budock Vean Hotel as a Spa Therapist and has since worked her way up to the role of Head of Health Spa. Her dedication and passion for wellness have been instrumental in shaping the exceptional spa experience we offer. Get to know more about her below.

What is your favourite thing about being Head of Health Spa at Budock Vean Hotel?
The spa’s tranquil and relaxing atmosphere makes each day a pleasure. Contributing to our guests' positive wellbeing is incredibly rewarding.

What is your favourite way to unwind after a busy day at work?
Going for a dip in the sea, listening to music, and enjoying a good stretch and breath session.

What is your favourite thing about living in Cornwall?
There are so many wonderful aspects! Being close to the ocean, enjoying the salty air, and experiencing the slower pace of life.

What advice do you have for someone who wants to pursue a career in hospitality?
Hospitality is about how we make people feel, not just what we do for them. It requires a genuine passion for people and their experiences.

What is your favourite treatment, and why do you love it?
Facials are my favourite because a gentle touch can greatly enhance someone’s wellbeing. The massage component helps alleviate stress and tension, creating a true sensory journey with various textures and scents.

Can you share a wellness tip or self-care ritual that you practice in daily life?
Be present in everything you do to appreciate life more and discover the small gems in everyday moments. And if you can, make time to journal!

If your spa team had a theme song, what would it be and why?
"Pure Shores" by All Saints. Its calming and serene melody instantly puts listeners at ease, creating a sense of escape and relaxation.

What advice would you give to someone interested in working at Budock Vean Hotel?
Budock Vean is set in a stunning location by the tranquil Helford River. Take time to appreciate the surroundings; it will help you make the best decision for yourself.

If you could swap jobs with someone else in the hotel for a day, who would it be and why?
I’d swap with the Head Gardener (only in the summer), to spend more time outdoors in the beautiful gardens!