
Gardener and Groundsperson

What was your favourite memory from your time as an apprentice and how does it feel to be back now?
One of my favourite memories from my time as an apprentice was when I built a home for the ducks on the pond. I vividly remember the feeling of pride watching a mother duck walking out with a trail of ducklings behind her.

What inspired you to pursue a career in gardening and groundskeeping?
I have always loved to be outside in nature from a young age, but I think my inspiration came from my Grampy Charlie (grandfather) he was a skilled craftsman and was always pottering about in his shed and rescuing injured birds. Spending my summers with him growing up and learning how to love and care for the natural world around me. He was my inspiration!

Do you have a favourite plant or tree on the hotel grounds?
There will always be something special to me about the Winter Primrose, When the vibrant colours of summer fade and the Autumn Glow dims there in the undergrowth looking up is the smiling Winter Primrose.

If you could design a dream garden with no limitations, what would it include?
My garden without limitations would be a traditional country garden. Full to the brim with favourite plants of the bees. To see them dozing off in the fox gloves and the perfume from climbing sweet peas. I would also have to have an area dedicated just to roses blended in with sculptures and water features!  I love when sculptures weather and become part of the garden. I imagine it to be like 'The Secret Garden' 

Can you share a tip or trick for guests who want to improve their own home gardens?
When in my own Garden I love to recycle and reuse old objects and find them a new use. An old Belfast sink makes a beautiful unique Planter. I also like to try and propagate as much as possible. It always surprises me when something roots and then I have a new plant for the garden at no extra cost.

What is your favourite way to unwind after a long day in the gardens?
My favourite way to unwind is to head to the sea, have a swim followed by a little fire and hot drink with my friends and family. 

What’s your favourite gardening tool and why?
My favourite tool has got to be my secateurs! I remember when I got my first ones, and my goodness do I use them! I can't walk past a bed without a quick snip! Always on my belt and ready to go!

Can you share a myth or misconception that you often have to debunk?
That wasps are evil! Wasps are such an important pollinator and a fascinating insect. Yes at times a nuisance and give a nasty sting but they have their place in the world with a vital ecological role.

Is there something you worked on as an apprentice that you’re excited to revisit and see again?
I shingled the pergola roof on the way to the foreshore. They have lasted 19 years and I would love to make a new set for their 20th.

What’s your favourite playlist or podcast to listen to while working in the gardens?
My favourite playlist to listen too is Fleetwood Mac, great music to spur you on when the weather is a bit mizzily, and you can't beat a bit of Monty Don while you work. He is my favourite inspirational Gardener.