Cowslip on the Helford Workshops
Quilt workshops with Jo Colwill from Cowslip Workshops

A huge thank you to everyone who attended one of our Quilting Workshops in 2024.
For those who are new to patchwork, quilting and applique this will be an introduction to making a simple strip or row type quilt , possibly with a theme or just a nice collection of fabrics and colour, by cutting 6” wide lengths of fabric and joining in a random way with no matching of seams. This is a gentle introduction to patchwork and piecing. Once you have pieced the fabrics together, you can overlay simple applique, like animals or boats.

What to expect

More experienced sewers can start on more complex design although sometimes less is best. We will discuss choosing fabrics colours and texture to help students feel more confident, but everyone has their own colour comfort zone.
You could create your quilt with a theme or just a nice collection of fabrics and colour … this is a beautifully gentle introduction to patchwork and piecing.
‘Sometimes people use pieces of fabric that mean something to them, perhaps fabric from a trip or holiday, perhaps pieces of clothing from a child, loved one or friend; sometimes people use a pattern, sometimes people simply take inspiration from elsewhere, but the end results are simply beautiful’. - Jo
Quilt Workshop Dates

The sessions are relaxed and friendly but with guidelines tips and techniques to make a quilt of your own individual choice using hand and machine work.
Spaces are limited to 20 people and sessions run at Budock Vean from 10am to 4.30pm.
Sessions include a morning coffee break and a tea break in the afternoon, plus tutoring and a sandwich lunch.

Requirements for the day

• Basic sewing machine with ¼” or 6mm patchwork foot if possible.
• Basic Rotary Cutting equipment including ruler, cutter and self heal board, although there will be some to borrow.
• Any pictures books or photos for inspiration.
• Scrap bag of fabric or at least 12 fat quarters of fabric colours related to the quilt you want to make.
• Old stripe shirts denim jeans as long as strong can be used.
• Basic sewing Kit to include pins needles, threads, sharp scissors, cutting scissors and some plain paper or even graph paper if available.
There will be a scrap bag and spare cutters etc for people to use and one light box plus a small selection of fat quarters for those who need to top up their fabrics.
Book a Cornish Landscape Quilt Workshop

To find out more please email
Please note: A minimum of 6 guests required for each workshop to go ahead. It is helpful that you do all 4 workshops but we recognise that this may not always be possible.